February 28, 2011

Fort Douglas Summer Internship

Title: Marketing and Communications Internship
Organization: Fort Douglas Military Museum

  • Develop contact lists for local, regional and national media
  • Develop lists of affilated and allied organizations
  • Write and distribute news releases, community calendar announcements, promotional flyers, etc.
  • Have ast least minimal familiarity with online marketing challens, such as social media (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc.) e-release opportunities (Google, E-Releases.com), print and broadcast websites (KSL.com, SLTrib.com)
  • Work with marketing team to arrange on-site radio pormtions, radio giveaways, etc.
  • Work with staff to ensure consistency of message in every aspect of the marketing program.

Contact: Email Linda Hunt at lhunt14@q.com or Bob Voyles at voyles@fortdouglas.com to set up a time to meet.

All interns are expected to maintain a high-quality work ethic as they would with any other employer.

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